Is this the way to Amarillo?

We left Oklahoma City and were on our way to Texas early on Sunday morning. Our next stop was Amarillo, which of course meant listening to THAT song a couple of times. In Amarillo there is the Big Texan Steak House, which basically offers a 72oz steak and a tonne of sides for free, provided you can eat it within one hour. It has been featured on Man Vs Food, but almost a stone of steak is way too much for either of us so we took to the all-you-can-eat steak buffet instead. Amarillo also homes Cadillac Ranch, where some eccentric millionaire took 10 Cadillacs and buried them nose first into the ground. People are allowed to go up to them with spray paint cans and basically graffiti them, which is exactly what around 20 people were doing when we got there. As a result, the Cadillacs are ever changing and we saw one girl graffiti her name onto one of the Cadillacs, only to find that 15 minutes later others had graffitied over it and it could barely be made out any more. Bizarre, unique and very Route 66.

Speaking of bizarre, our journey to Amarillo took us via a museum largely dedicated to barbed wire (and we managed to spend an hour in it!), a water tower that is leaning like the Tower of Pisa, and a giant 200-foot cross signalling a church in a small town called Groom.

On Monday, we headed further along the route and crossed the landmark midway point - 1,139 miles to go! We then crossed another border into New Mexico - this one involved a timezone change - and stayed the night in Tucumcari at the Blue Swallow Motel, which was awesome: neon lights, family-owned, friendly atmosphere and very Route 66. A world away from the Econolodge we've stayed in with paper thin walls and a screaming baby on one side and a way too loud TV on the other! Then today we have travelled to Santa Fe, which is a beautiful city comprising plenty of Adobe and Adobe-style buildings. It's hard to describe it without pictures, so I will upload some soon.

We have now made it to Gallup, still in New Mexico, where we are about to find somewhere to eat.
